ILJ staff has conducted more than 250 major research and evaluation projects in law enforcement and criminal justice. Current and recently completed projects have explored such topics as:
Assessment of law enforcement practices, community policing, and organizational changeAdvanced technology, information and data systems for police and corrections
Evaluation of Police Information Technology Acquisition
Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, D.C., Information and Telecommunications Systems
Evaluation of the Fairfax County, Virginia, Police Department's Police Management Information System
Weapons and police use of force
Criminal justice collaborations
Cross-Site Evaluation of Locally Initiated Research Collaborations
National Assessment of Investigations of Computer Crimes by Local Police Departments and Prosecutors
Domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Evaluation of Training and Policy Development under Violence Against Women Act (STOP Grants)
Evaluation of Police Arrest Policies against Domestic Violence
Drug enforcement and geographic strategies
Juvenile violence and crime prevention models
Prosecutor and Judicial Decisionmaking in Juvenile Waiver Cases
Prosecutor and Judge Use of Adult Defendants’ Juvenile Records
Criminal justice agency needs